Thursday, January 20, 2011

Low-Flow Toilets Cause San Franfreakshow Sewers to Back Up

When it comes to the fundamentals of civilized life — plumbing, for example — eco-moonbattery doesn't come cheap:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Black Churches May Withdraw Support From Obama Over Anti-DOMA Ploy

As Beelzebama* inevitably reveals himself as the unrighteous left-wing extremist he has always been, rifts are forming among the coalition that produced his disastrous election. His ploy to allow liberal states like Massachusetts to impose their homosexual "marriage" blasphemies on the rest of the country by refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act has earned him opponents in unexpected places:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Torture Methods of Punjab Police

Deadly facts about torture during interrogation in Punjab have come alive in a study on custodial deaths by the Institute of Correctional Administration. As many as 50 per cent of the police officials talked to have admitted that third degree methods are used against the suspects due to social and political pressures.
The study, carried out by the institute’s deputy director Dr Upneet Lalli, has further revealed that need for conducting speedy investigation is another reason. “There is a pressure (on the cops) to perform as also pressure to conform”, the report says. For the purpose of the conducting the study, as many as 150 police officials were talked to.