Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why Food and Drink Bans Won't Solve Childhood Obesity

Despite the fact that almost all the research on in-school nutrition indicates that food bans are ineffective (and sometimes counterproductive), the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and food activists from groups like the Center for Science in the Public Interest are pushing government regulations on everything from chewing gum to potato chips.

Ten Essential Mercury Facts


1. The Food and Drug Administration writes that its dietary mercury guidelines were “established to limit consumers’ methyl mercury exposure to levels 10 times lower than the lowest levels associated with adverse effects.” Americans who consume twice as much mercury as the FDA recommends are still protected by a 500-percent cushion. The same generous safety margin applies to the Environmental Protection Agency’s mercury “Reference Dose.” And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that zero percent of American children exceed the EPA’s hyper-cautionary guideline.

The Naturopathy Movement

Naturopathy refers to a doctrine of “natural medicine” that teaches that the body’s “vital force” is the most important factor in healing and maintaining health. The approach has been criticized as largely pseudo-scientific, relying on dogma rather than data. One doctor describes the difference between naturopathy and medical science:

7 Things You Didn't Know About HSUS

1) The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is a “humane society” in name only. It isn’t affiliated with any hands-on “humane society” organizations, and it doesn’t operate a single pet shelter or pet adoption facility anywhere. During 2008, HSUS contributed barely $450,000— less than one-half of one percent of its budget—in grants to dog and cat shelters. By comparison, that same year it gave $2.25 million to a political campaign committee behind an anti-meat ballot initiative in California, and put $2.5 million into HSUS’s executive pension plan. HSUS is the wealthiest animal-rights lobbying organization on earth. It agitates for the same goals as PETA and other radical groups, but uses fewer naked interns.

Saluting Scott Walker

With Comrade Obama in the White House, standing up to union thugs means taking on the federal behemoth. Kudos to Scott Walker for his courage.

Friday, February 25, 2011

San Fransicko Moonbats Enraged by Coca-Cola Sign


How much liberty would be left if a city were completely run and almost completely populated by progressives? San Francisco again proves that the answer is none:

Friday, February 4, 2011

DHS Rolls Out Portable DNA Scanners


The Department of Homeland Security doesn't want to overreach its authority by doing anything serious about the revolving door that serves as our southern border. But it doesn't hesitate to ogle nude images of us at the airport — or even scan our DNA:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Low-Flow Toilets Cause San Franfreakshow Sewers to Back Up

When it comes to the fundamentals of civilized life — plumbing, for example — eco-moonbattery doesn't come cheap:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Black Churches May Withdraw Support From Obama Over Anti-DOMA Ploy

As Beelzebama* inevitably reveals himself as the unrighteous left-wing extremist he has always been, rifts are forming among the coalition that produced his disastrous election. His ploy to allow liberal states like Massachusetts to impose their homosexual "marriage" blasphemies on the rest of the country by refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act has earned him opponents in unexpected places:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Torture Methods of Punjab Police

Deadly facts about torture during interrogation in Punjab have come alive in a study on custodial deaths by the Institute of Correctional Administration. As many as 50 per cent of the police officials talked to have admitted that third degree methods are used against the suspects due to social and political pressures.
The study, carried out by the institute’s deputy director Dr Upneet Lalli, has further revealed that need for conducting speedy investigation is another reason. “There is a pressure (on the cops) to perform as also pressure to conform”, the report says. For the purpose of the conducting the study, as many as 150 police officials were talked to.